Scrolling down you will find “beat poet”-influenced graphic illustrations reflecting and questioning the social conditions in which we find ourselves. You will also find notices about my various poetry, spokenword, flash fiction and other writing projects.
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I don’t say we would serve kids best by giving into emotional blackmail, but COME ON …
I’m hearing that we have kids with woefully inadequate coping skills. Never mind the polarising legislation, let’s first take a look at our current Mental Health/Emotional Crisis response techniques and supply. Let’s make sure that these kids survive to fight their own battles.
Yes one can still get Covid. After escaping the virus for some three years, it finally caught up to me. And it wasn’t pleasant. Mostly I was just super tired with some sinus issues. Then as those symptoms subsided the dry cough started up and decided to stay for a couple of weeks. So there went May.
I did get to experience being accosted by an anti-masker. A lady, old enough to know better, confronted me about wearing a mask when I was in public (post- contagion, but she had no way of knowing this!) She indignantly told me that I didn’t need “THAT”. I told her that I had gotten Covid and yes, I did need the mask. Her eyes went wide and she said “You got Covid?” I said yes and told her that I still had a cough that some people found dragged on for weeks. She apologised and moved away.
So the cough is subsiding now, with a bit of codeine and mostly with going without talking and resting for about two days straight.
I am easing back into my former routines of writing and music and gardening/spring cleaning.
I didn’t post Auntie Pander last month so I will post some this month. And I am continuing to work on a podcasting idea for presenting my work.
Hope you can avoid Covid. Stay healthy and keep your mind open.